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Real Estate Agent | Madison WI Area Top Real Estate Team Blog

Monday, March 30, 2020   /   by Ryan Huemmer

How To Get A Market Analysis During Coronavirus Pandemic | The Huemmer Home Team | Amber Huemmer

How To Get A Market Analysis During Coronavirus Pandemic

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Amber Huemmer, Top Madison WI Realtor
The Huemmer Home Team
RE/MAX Preferred
amber@thhtrealty.com ...

  realtor, the huemmer home team, wi, amber huemmer, re/max, madison, real estate agent, 6082795424, home for sale, house for sale, coronavirus, selling a home

Saturday, March 28, 2020   /   by Amber Huemmer

Consider Selling Your Home During Coronavirus Pandemic | The Huemmer Home Team | Amber Huemmer Realtor Madison, WI

Here are the top 5 questions we are being asked:
1) I was planning to put my home on the market. Should I wait?
2) Has the Coronaviras affected the housing market locally?
3) What about showings, open houses.... people walking through my home?
4) Do we have to have showings if we put our home on the market?
5) How do we get a market analysis on our home in this market?
Be prepared not scared. The Huemmer Home Team is here for you & your family. We want you to be as informed as possible and help you make the best decision for yourself and/or your family.
Amber Huemmer, Madison Real Estate Agent
The Huemmer Home Team
RE/MAX Preferred
Amber@thhtrealty.com ...

  realtor, the huemmer home team, wi, amber huemmer, re/max, madison, real estate agent, 6082795424, house for sale, coronavirus

Thursday, March 19, 2020   /   by Amber Huemmer

The Current Housing Market and The Impact of the Coronavirus | Real Estate Agent Amber Huemmer | The Huemmer Home Team

The current housing market and impact of the Coronavirus. Let's take a look at some major indicators and the history of those indicators.

Mortgage Interest Rates - Rates are at an all-time low. Which allows for a greater purchasing power or a lower monthly payment.

Stock Market - During past viral emergencies, the stock market has reacted. Over time the stock market has recovered. The fundamentals of the economy were strong with low unemployment prior to the virus concerns.

Recent Recessions - The coronavirus has created an economic slowdown and recession concerns. Over the last 5 recessions the housing market was only negatively affected twice. This slow down is not caused by the housing market.

Low Inventory - nationwide average months of inventory in 2007 was 8.2 month, today it's much lower at 3.1. Here in the Greater Madison area it is even lower depending on the price point.

Be prepared not scared. The Huemmer Home Team is here for you & your famim ...

  realtor, the huemmer home team, wi, amber huemmer, re/max, madison, real estate agent, 6082795424, coronavirus

Wednesday, February 12, 2020   /   by Ryan Huemmer

Best Steakhouses in Madison, WI by The Huemmer Home Team, Real Estate Team

Check out our "????Best Steakhouses in Madison, WI????".

Wonder Bar Steakhouse
222 E Olin Ave
Madison, WI 53713
Tornado Steak House
116 S Hamilton St
Madison, WI 53703
Rare Steakhouse
14 W Mifflin St
Madison, WI 53703
Delaney's Steak & Seafood
Smoky's Club
Ruth's Chris Steak House
Longhorn Steakhouse
Texas Roadhouse
What's your favorite?????

Looking for a home in the Madison Area to enjoy these wonderful steakhouses.......call The Huemmer Home Team today!
Amber Huemmer
The Huemmer Home Team
RE/MAX Preferred
www.madisonareahomesforsale.com ...

  madison, realtor, wi, amber huemmer, re/max, the huemmer home team, madisonareahomesforsale.com, real estate agent, 6082795424, delaney's steak & seafood, longhorn steakhouse, rare steakhouse, ruth's chris steak house, smoky's club, texas roadhouse, tornado steak house, wonder bar steakhouse

Monday, February 3, 2020   /   by Ryan Huemmer

New Credit Score Model Launched

Fair Isaac Corp., the company behind the popular FICO credit score, announced the launch of its latest FICO 10 model on Jan. 23, that will start incorporating consumers’ debt levels into their scoring model.

Amber uses Credit Karma to monitor her accounts and score........it's FREE!
This comes as total household debt in the U.S. is on the rise and currently sits at about $13.95 trillion as of the end of 2019, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. That’s higher than the previous high of $12.68 trillion seen right before the 2008 financial crisis.
Those who fall behind on their loan payments, they are more likely to see a drop in their score. FICO also plans to flag consumers who sign up for personal loans, which are generally considered more risky since these are unsecured and typically do not require collateral like a car or a house.
The new scoring model will also likely create a wider gap between those who are considered good credit risk vs credit m ...

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